Communication Website
We use the website to post upcoming events and information. The website allows parents to register and pay for events, to look up leader contact info, and also serves as a document repository for older documents. It includes search functionality on the right-hand side. All parents must have an account to register for events. Adult Leaders can also create posts or RSVPs.
Scoutbook is the BSA’s tracking and communication tool. It allows parents to track their Scouts progress. For Adult Leaders it provides communication methods like automated emails, RSVPs, calendars, etc. All Pack and Den meetings should be listed in Scoutbook. As a parent, you can ‘subscribe’ to a Scoutbook calendar so that you are always up to date.
Pack 63 Facebook Group (Private)
Pack 63 also maintains a private Facebook group. While there may be events listed and promoted here, the primary purpose is for photo sharing and general information sharing. Scoutbook and the Website should always be the authoritative source.